News Fail Comments
Actually there are scientific proofs that make the evolution theory invalid. For example the 'cambrian explotion', the 'human genome project' and many others. It is just a shame that this f*cking religious fanatics put God's credibility on the floor, with phrases like 'God did it' 'that is what God wants'. Damn idiots, most of the supernatural things that are said in the Bible have a scientific explanation including 'The Creation'. "God is great, Religion sucks!"
Why evolution SHOULD be taught in schools...
When did Fox News start publishing a paper?
If you have no thumbs up, you didn't even give YOURSELF a thumbs up.
"Actually there are" If anything the Cambrian Explosion supports evolution and challenges Creationism. With the rapidly changing environment jumping from one extreme to another (freezing to sweltering) organisms had to adapt quickly to survive and thus new species are rapidly created. Agreed on the fanatics though. If the Christian god randomly destroys one species to make room for his newest, best creation then how are we safe?
tomato had to reach at least level 16 to evolve into watermelon
how about "Why Abortion Should be Taught to Everyone"
....So, does that mean I can throw a corn seed and watch it grow into a bagel?
Evolve? Like Pokemon?
This person is retarded...
Can't tell if trolling. Or just stupid.
Damn Atheists
so if i plant a cherrio, ill grow donuts? donut seeds! :)
Someone doesn't care about Biology...
WTF I thought thats how it worked??? Damn these private christian schools...
The stupidity, it burns...
Can't tell if trolling. Or just stupid.
i will plant these tomato seeds, and tomorrow they will be watermelons!!!
everyone knows that a cat fuqqed a rino and had a cat/rino baby and a bird fuqqed a fish and had a bird/fish and the cat/rino and the bird/fish fuqqed each other and made humans...there i think i made my point...
Can't tell if trolling. Or just stupid.
...isn't this an obvious joke?
Can't tell if trolling. Or just stupid.
Actually there are scientific proofs that make the evolution theory invalid. For example the 'cambrian explotion', the 'human genome project' and many others. It is just a shame that this f*cking religious fanatics put God's credibility on the floor, with phrases like 'God did it' 'that is what God wants'. Damn idiots, most of the supernatural things that are said in the Bible have a scientific explanation including 'The Creation'. "God is great, Religion sucks!"