News Fail Comments
McCain felt that he could use his wrinkles to gain support from the Sun Maid raisins. Unfortunately he forgot that raisins can't vote... or read... or do anything at all.
...from the grave, I presume.
The sign guy is making a pun on a phrase rarely used anymore called "raising Cain", which means the same thing as "raising hell".
Ooops. They spelled racism wrong.
is that stephen colbert behind the sign?
Anyone else feel the watermark sounds like it wants you to go to 11.com for more fails? Also, my captcha is "win hands down." WIN RAISINS WIN
Indeed he is a raisin.
Naw there's a chain of restaurants called Raising Cane's. It's only in about 10 states though. Serve some badass chicken strips with the best sauce ever. Anyway, pretty unclever poster.
McCain felt that he could use his wrinkles to gain support from the Sun Maid raisins. Unfortunately he forgot that raisins can't vote... or read... or do anything at all.