News Fail Comments
£20,000? That seems expensive, don't you think?
Scat Man's brother is still at large it seems.
Train must have been made of gold
20,000 pounds?? His shit must be explosive
How does shitting on a train cost £20,000 in damages?
Why did someone mention New York's subway when the article clearly says London's railway network *smacks head*
Runny poo man. Ewwwww!
Oh, i thought it was a nickname 'cause of the color..
Does this explain why New York's subways stink?
Thats my sister
It should not be that hard to track him, he leaves a trail of sh*t.
he looks like afroman
maybe he shitted on several different trains.
I think it is great that the man defecating on the trains "has done a runner." Maybe that's why they are suing for so much.
Chris Rock is on the run with his comedy, smearing it everywhere
what a load of crop
The same people that came up with 20,000 in damages are probably the SAME ppl that twist numbers to say the economy is improving.
I think, hes only poo man because he's black...
CSI need to analyze the shit, to find out it belongs to dead Warrick
lmfao thats why i only stand on the train
£20,000? That seems expensive, don't you think?