News Fail Comments
Isn't every normal adult a former pedophile?
Dr. Phil
Is the news fail here that they spelt it "pedophile" when in English it's actually "paedophile"?
Is the news fail here that they spelt it "pedophile" when in English it's actually "paedophile"?
Well hes stilll got the look
this is from the onion get real loser
Oh, the irony...
the awkward moment when people don't realize that this is from the onion
Former, my ass!
Yeah, let's trust a former pedophile to each us about child safety
Ok, so what you wanna do is bring you kids to my basement for a special... camp!
I think there's a little bit of a conflict of interest here
Any comment with the word onion in it will get more votes
I love the Onion.
Shouldnt he be behind bars
Isn't every normal adult a former pedophile?